introducing HAI - the helper-ai

[last update: 11. February 2025]

I normally describe this blog post visually

If you're a content creator using our web service, you're about to meet your new best friend: HAI, or Helper-AI. It's an AI-powered assistant designed to make your life easier by helping you generate various elements quickly and efficiently. Whether you're writing descriptions, creating prompts, or brainstorming new topics, HAI is here to assist you, allowing you to focus more on your creativity while taking care of the repetitive tasks.

how to find HAI

HAI is always just a click away. You'll notice its presence whenever there's a field where you need to input text or similar content. Look for this specific icon or button, and you'll know that HAI is ready to help you generate content. To give you an idea, here's how it looks:

where to use HAI

HAI can be used across multiple parts of the service to help you with content creation. Below are some of the key use-cases where you'll benefit from its support:

when creating a summary for a genai

Need a catchy or informative summary? HAI can help generate text based on the key points you provide.

when creating the personality prompt of a genai

Set up a personality for your AI easily with suggestions and tweaks made by HAI.

when creating a new topic

Stuck on coming up with ideas? Let HAI help you brainstorm a new topic together with an appropriate summary for it.

for creating a prompt for a new topic

Turn your topic ideas into well-structured prompts with HAI's assistance. HAI takes your existing topic, enriches it with more information and context and delivers a qualified prompt for your topic.

and more

As we expand, you'll find HAI available in additional use-cases designed to make your experience smoother.

configuring HAI for your needs

One of the great features of HAI is its flexibility. You can personalize it according to your needs in various use-cases. Here are some of the key configurations you can customize:

model selection

Choose the GenAI model that best suits your project. If you frequently use the same model, you can even set it as the default in your personal settings, so you don't have to change it every time you call on HAI.


By default, HAI will automatically save the results it generates. However, you have the option to turn off auto-saving if you prefer to manually review and save the content yourself.

Beyond the two listed settings, you may find more depending on the use-case. Simply use the dropdown in HAI's menu and find out what you can configure.


HAI is designed to be your personal assistant when it comes to content creation, helping you generate high-quality content with minimal effort. Whether you're a seasoned content creator or just getting started, everyone can benefit from HAI's powerful assistance. So, why not give it a try? Start using HAI today and experience how much easier it can make your work!